10 Things You Need To Know Before Comitting To Crazy Hair Colours

Would Eva Marie be as hot without her fiery red hair? Perhaps, but that doesn't mean everyone will.

Kylie Jenner

There are two types of people in the world. 

First there are Those that style and colour their hair in the tried-and-tested way, because if it ain't broke, don't fix it, right? However there are also those who get impulsive urges. Urges that tell them to change the colour of their hair from blue to green to grey to pink and if their mood is right, every other shade the colour-wheel has to offer.

If you're part of the latter or, more importantly, if you one day hope to be, then this article is aimed specifically at you.

Having crazy hair colours are truly a blast. You feel great, look amazing and to top it off, most people think that you have the best hair they'd ever seen. Your hair really starts to define you and you'll always be known for your amazing or crazy hair. Sounds pretty cool right? 

Well, although it might have a lot of pros, getting your hair dyed a controversial colour definitely has a few cons as well. Here are a few things you definitely need to know before committing to a crazy hair colour...

10. Consider Your Profession

Kylie Jenner

If you work as a freelance writer, a tattoo artist or perhaps as a music teacher, you might be able to get away with a mane of long blue and black dreads. But, if you work in the corporate world as a front liner or as some "high-and-mighty's" personal assistant, that look's just not going to fly. Just because you're a progressive, forward-thinker, that doesn't mean your boss or his/her clients will be.

It seems that we still live in a society that likes to look down on people who express themselves through body or hair modification, whether you sport tattoos, piercings or even pink hair with a shave down the side. It might still be a long time before people will be fully accepting to the more "alternative" look.

Consider your profession and think hard on whether you'd be allowed to dye your hair a crazy colour... or if it might damage your career.


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