10 Times Brad Pitt Made Your Bottom Lip Quiver

2. The One Where He Wasn€™t Very Nice To Rachel

pitt-friends In 2001, Brad geared up for a bit of primetime palaver by starring alongside his then-wife Jennifer Aniston in dangerously watchable schmooze-fest, Friends. This particular episode saw Pitt welcomed to Monica€™s apartment looking quite the all-American boy next door. With hair spikily blond and with teeth so white you had to dim the contrast on the television, our Brad looked delectable enough to be spread on a cracker and eaten with cheese. Cor! This was the Brad you wanted to take home and introduce to your parents. The story arc, however, saw him play Will, a sweet natured pal of Ross€™s who becomes antagonistically bitter after discovering his old nemesis Rachel is going to be the mother of Ross€™s child. Despite looking like a walking personification of a summer€™s day, Brad produced a wonderfully bickering performance, to and froing with Aniston€™s Rachel before the whole thing exploded into a swoonsome shower of risqué comedy and perfect human beings. The overflowing irony in all of this is that fact mirrored fiction just a few short years later when apparently Brad wasn€™t very nice to Jen causing their marriage to go kaput, ultimately giving rise to 'Brangelina' and their 400 offspring.

Chris James Peet says hello. His interests include hoping for the best and sitting in chairs. He much prefers moaning to counting his blessings and suffers fools gladly. He also likes to look out of the window and check what's in the fridge but he hates standing up, dripping taps and reality.