10 Times Brad Pitt Made Your Bottom Lip Quiver

3. As The Coolest Man On The Planet In The Ocean€™s Trilogy

There are few better ways to describe his style, attitude and general screen presence in these three movies than simply, €˜phhwwoooaaaar!€™ Over the course of the films, he€™s nonchalant to the point of being stoned, wears a suit so well he makes Sinatra look cheap and presents himself as unflappably brilliant in everything he does. These are references to his character in the films €“ Rusty Ryan €“ and not Brad himself. But you probably wouldn€™t be shooting too wide of the mark to suggest that the general aura of Brad€™s character in these films probably mirrors that of him in real life. Apart from robbing casinos and getting death threats off Andy Garcia and stuff. Upsettingly, these are three of only a handful of Pitt films in which he doesn€™t actually discard his upper attire. Nevertheless, Ocean€™s Eleven and its sequels €“ the names of which are always forgotten €“ present Brad as the cool, calm and cute icon that we know and wish you were mates with. If you had a night out with Brad Pitt as Rusty Ryan you€™d be guaranteed a legendary evening. And at the very least you€™d get a tender hug out of him at the end of it all.

Chris James Peet says hello. His interests include hoping for the best and sitting in chairs. He much prefers moaning to counting his blessings and suffers fools gladly. He also likes to look out of the window and check what's in the fridge but he hates standing up, dripping taps and reality.