10 Times Leonardo DiCaprio Made Your Tummy Flutter

10. When He Was King Of The World In Titanic

Prior to winning his ticket on Titanic which then sank to the bottom of the Atlantic, propelling him into international superstardom, Leo had actually been a well regarded young actor with several impressive acting jobs on his CV, most notably as a smack-addicted delinquent poet in The Basketball Diaries as well as Johnny Depp's developmentally disabled younger brother in What's Eating Gilbert Grape? But it was his star turn as high-society slaying schmoozer Jack Dawson in James Cameron's groundbreaking sailing film, Titanic, that really brought him to the world's attention. Despite the film being a befuddled mess that now looks like it was created using Deluxe Paint III on a Commodore Amiga, DiCaprio gave such an enchanting performance that human beings the world over cooed with immense acclaim at his endearing majesty when he stood at the front of the ship with nothing but freedom and opportunity ahead of him. Well, everyone except the Academy who snubbed him for an Oscar nomination, and setting a precedent of Leo-faced memes and rejection that have yet to be broken. Still, at least he was king of the world for a bit.

Chris James Peet says hello. His interests include hoping for the best and sitting in chairs. He much prefers moaning to counting his blessings and suffers fools gladly. He also likes to look out of the window and check what's in the fridge but he hates standing up, dripping taps and reality.