10 Tips For Robbing A Bank From A Retired Bank Robber
1. Make Money Off Of Stealing Money
Clay Tumey robbed many banks, turned himself in, and then went to prison. While that could have been the end of him, hardening him into a life of even more crime, his story actually turns to brighter chapter. He's now writing a book.
"It's about my entire life, but the bank stuff is a large part of it."
Tumey had chosen a wild path of thievery that might have been hard to turn back from. He was good at his crime and could have done it for quite a long time, possibly forever, before authorities put a stop to him.
Midway through a Kickstarter campaign to fund this literary projects, he's well on his way to being fully funded. Who knows, he might even make more money with this new career path of his. As evidenced by his short time on Reddit, he's very enthralling.
"Facebook.com/BlueChipStore if you're interested....Rumor has it I can write."