10 Unsolved Mysteries That May Have Finally Been Solved

2. Jack The Ripper

Solway Spaceman
Discovery Channel

The most famous unsolved mystery in the United Kingdom without a doubt is the story of Jack the Ripper. In 1888, a serial set of murders were committed by an unknown assailant who the media dubbed Jack the Ripper. He is attributed to the murder of five women who were killed in similar circumstances in that year, with police never able to identify or capture the Ripper.

In the century-and-a-half following, the preserved evidence has been analysed to no end, becoming an incredibly popular legend in its own right. To this day, there are several guided tours in London which promise to tell the full gory story of Jack the Ripper, leaving out no details no matter how grim or seemingly unimportant.

Since the murders, perhaps the biggest advancement in being able to solve the crime is that of DNA analysis. In 2019, a shawl from one of the Ripper's victims was for the first time DNA tested along with DNA from descendants of likely suspects. The DNA evidence then named Aaron Kosminski as the person most likely responsible for the murders. Kosminski was a Polish barber who was suspected by police at the time, but could never be brought to trial due to lack of evidence

Unfortunately, this is impossible to prove definitively as all parties involved are now long deceased, and the shawl may have been handled hundreds if not thousands of times before the DNA analysis took place.

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