10 Utterly Disturbing Ways That Obsessed Fans Go Too Far

2. The Delusional And The Fantasists

More worrying than almost all of the other obsessive fan types on this list are the ones who are not just obsessive; not just a little weird; not just victims of poor self-esteem, surging teenage hormones or terrible tattooists. No, some fans genuinely believe some insane things about the celebrities they stalk, even to the extent of deluding themselves into thinking they€™re actually in a relationship. Religious fanatic Bassey Essien was convinced that the woman known worldwide as Beyoncé was an imposter who had usurped the original Beyoncé Giselle Knowles€™ life after murdering her, and thought that his many threatening letters and attempts to pass on his religious writings to her were in some way saving his €˜dead€™ idol. 48-year-old Karen McNeil was so convinced that she was about to marry Justin Timberlake that she spent almost all of 2009 trespassing on his property, and once actually showed up at his front door in a cab with everything she owned, fully intending to move in with him. JT only had to get a restraining order in that case: police were called to apprehend Jason Peyton, after he travelled across America to be with Jennifer Aniston. He was arrested after spending days wandering up and down Sunset Boulevard trying to find her, while carrying a blade, duct tape and a series of love letters. Jason Luis Rivera broke into Miley Cyrus€™s Los Angeles home last October while carrying a pair of scissors. Upon being arrested, he informed the police that the home belonged to his wife, claiming that he and Cyrus had been married for years. The former Linda Resa, a resident of Chicago has taken that a stage further, by actually legally changing her name to Mrs. Kanye Resa West, and completed the totally convincing package by having the walking ego€™s name tattooed across her behind and along her arm. Why? To get the man€™s attention. Mrs. West claims to be in love with him, and that she won€™t stop until he himself tells her she€™s crazy. We have a sneaking suspicion that this won€™t help, however. Finally, there€™s the famous case of John Hinckley Jr., a young man who became obsessed with former child star Jodie Foster after watching her over and over in the Scorcese classic Taxi Driver. He would stalk her around university, leave notes and dodgy messages for her, attempt to assassinate the President Of The United States €“ you know, the usual. That€™s right €“ in a bizarre attempt to impress the barely eighteen-year-old Foster, Hinckley shot then President Ronald Reagan and three others as he was leaving the Washington Hilton Hotel but failed to kill any of them, Reagan living into senility. Hinckley was partly emulating the plot of the film he loved €“ in it, the protagonist attempts the assassination of a US Senator running for President €“ and partly trying to raise his own notoriety to match hers, feeling that his lack of celebrity was the likely reason for her rejection of him. Yeah, that€™ll be why.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.