10 Utterly Disturbing Ways That Obsessed Fans Go Too Far

3. Getting Plastic Surgery To Mirror Their Heroes

There€™s occasions where imitation can actually be the weirdest form of flattery. Michelle Falsetta wanted a butt as shapely as the notorious backside of Jennifer Lopez, and elected to under go $7,000 worth of gluteal augmentation: ass implants. John Travolta fan Dustin Derrick spent $8,500 faking his hero€™s impish smile: he had a rhinoplasty and chin job performed, even including the infamous dimple. That€™s exactly what Trevor Mills chose to do: having admired the €œperfect face and wonderful nose€ of Keanu Reeves for years, he decided to buy his own, having a chin implant and nose job to more closely resemble his idol. Then there€™s the Filipino man that that changed his entire face over a sixteen year period€ to look more like Superman, specifically the Christopher Reeve version. Herbert Chaves, a 35-year-old comics fan from Calamba City, Philippines, had nineteen surgeries to perfect the look, and regularly walks the streets giving pep talks to kids in full costume. You€™d have thought that a man that went to that expense and effort would have bought himself a more authentic costume, though. This one looks like it came with a decoder ring and a fortnight€™s supply of cereal. There are plenty of examples, terrifyingly enough, of people that have obtained surgery to resemble movie stars, pop stars, pop culture icons. The only time we can recall that twins have done so, however, involves the curious case of identical twins Mike and Matt Schlepp. Allegedly, the pair were such massive fans of Brad Pitt that, unhappy with their own appearances, they each had themselves altered €“ via nose and chin jobs, jaw implants, gum lifts and dental veneers €“ to look as much like him as possible. Later, they claimed that they€™d been misrepresented, and that they weren€™t Pitt fanboys at all €“ simply two ugly men who wanted to be handsome. Of course, the reality show that they appeared on told the story differently, saying that the Schlepps sold themselves on the basis of being Brad Pitt obsessives.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.