10 Valentine’s Day Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

7. One Indian Political Party Used To Hate It

Valentines Day Supermarket

Before their hearts were randomly softened to the idea of commercialised romance, Indian far-right political group Shiv Sena routinely burned Valentine's Day cards and harassed young couples who were innocently canoodling on 14 February.

Then, just like that and for no apparent reason, they had a change of heart.

Nowadays, Shiv Sena refrain from stomping all over the Valentine's celebrations in their homeland. Also, just because you dislike waiting in lines at the local supermarket (because all those dudes forgot about the big day are are buying late), it doesn't mean you should follow Sena's lead.

Rampaging through Valentine's and destroying the fun of others is really not cool.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.