10 Valentine’s Day Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

5. The Drawing Of Love

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All's fair in love and war, unless you happen to live in France.

Before it was banned by the French government, the ceremonial 'loterie de l'amour' (literally, 'love lottery) festival would take place every year. The whole thing was super-creepy. Singletons would enter the houses opposite their own and call out of windows until a prospective lover answered them back. At this point, it was possible for men to pick and choose.

That (naturally) didn't sit well with some women. In response to being jilted by the blokes they fancied, these ladies would build bonfires and burn pictures of those who had spurned their advances. You won't be surprised to learn this regularly got out of hand and probably led to violence.

The question must be asked: who came up with this, and who believed it was a good idea? We'll stick to Valentine's Day cards and boxes of chocolates, thanks.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.