10 Valentine’s Day Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

4. They Don't Celebrate It The Same Way In Finland

Friends The One With The Embryos

The Finnish holiday of 'Ystävänpäivä' literally translates as 'Friends' Day', and it's not a day during which millions of people sit down to binge-watch Friends on Netflix (although that would be sweet). Rather, it's how the loveable Nordic race celebrate Valentine's.

Finland didn't actually start acknowledging Valentine's Day until the 1980s, and in 1996 it was decided that people should show appreciation for everyone who loves them, not just boyfriends/girlfriends etc. Ystävänpäivä was born, and it's more about thanking friends and family for their support than buying token presents designed to woo.

The country still buys cards like they're going out of fashion, of course, though there is more emphasis on community than sweeping romantic gestures. There's something nice about all this; it adds a genuine element to Valentine's that's sorely lacking in the UK/US approach.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.