10 Ways Hunter S Thompson Was Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die

5. His Role With The Many Iterations Of The Fear & Loathing Movie

hunter s thompson
Universal Pictures

Now a cult classic and a mostly accurate portrayal of the book (though I would feverishly point out many times where it veered off in the wrong direction, I would, please don’t test me) the 1998 film ‘Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas’ went through many issues before it shambled onto the silver screen. Most of which were caused by the author, as Thompson oversaw most of the process and often locked horns with whoever was unfortunate enough to be in charge at the time.

One of the biggest problems was the creative desire to implement animation into the film, as the book had become almost synonymous with the work of artist and longtime collaborator of Thompson, Ralph Steadman. As this unique and twisted style of art was so beloved, most producers and studio execs demanded that portions of the film be animated in a similar fashion, yet Thompson consistently put his foot down and said that the two entities should be separate.

In the end his stubbornness won out, which when considering the end result we can’t help but wonder if it might have been somewhat easier to watch with such ludicrous additions. Personally I think it would have been a brilliant tip of the hat during the more drug addled sections, but who am I to judge? An incredibly picky bastard who refuses to adhere to any other version of the book than the one in my head, that's who.


A twenty something writer who loves gaming, reading and spiced rum.