10 Ways Hunter S Thompson Was Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die

4. He Was Best Friends With Johnny Depp

hunter s thompson
Universal Pictures

Speaking of the movie, how can I possibly ignore the main man behind the tinted glasses? As Depp wanted to perfectly emulate the mad writer in his performance as Raoul Duke the actor lived with Thompson for several months, picking up on every little facet of the man’s movements, behaviour and various tics. Though I’d personally find that dedication to a portrayal of my likeness incredibly irritating after a day, Thompson was totally fine with it and became bestest buddies with the actor.

This relationship continued until the day Thompson died, which I’ll elaborate more on in a later point, but it doesn’t detract from the fact that this pairing was utterly bizarre. Many would have called Thompson crazy, like I did a paragraph ago, and it’s not unwarranted to say the same thing about Depp. I mean, did you see that Alice in Wonderland film where, for some reason, the Mad Hatter was a well-established warrior? And then he did that weird dance out of nowhere at the end? Friggin’ weird.

No, I guess that doesn’t have anything to do with Thompson, but I just wanted to vent. That film was s**t. Anyway, moving on.


A twenty something writer who loves gaming, reading and spiced rum.