In the grand scheme of things, humanity has been around for the relative blink of the intergalactic eye. If all of time was represented by the keys on a piano, the human race has been around for the width of one piano string over the edge of the very last key. It's only in the last few centuries that scientific understanding has emerged, and only the last few decades where that's developed to the point of identifying all the terrifying things in the night sky that are likely to wipe everything out. To think they've all been found, or that the surface has even been scratched is naive at best, and suicidal at worst. Chances are, if some calamitous fire does reign down upon the earth, humanity will have absolute no idea what it is, where it came from, or how to stop it. The universe is vast and endless, so too are the things it's capable of creating. Damn space, you scary.
WhatCulture's Managing Editor and Chief Reporter | Previously seen in Vice, Esquire, FourFourTwo, Sabotage Times, Loaded, The Set Pieces, and Mundial Magazine