10 Ways To Dispose Of A Dead Body (If You Really Needed To)

1. Drop Them In A Giant Vat Of Molten Metal

Wood chipper fargo
Orion Pictures

If you really want to add a bit of drama to proceedings, as well as ensuring that there's definitely nothing left to find, then make your way to the nearest smelting plant (or, alternatively, a volcano if this is more convenient).

An ironworks would be best as iron melts at roughly 1510°C, but a steelworks would also be fine at a cool 1370°C. Molten lava will be rocking around 1200°C - still perfectly sufficient.

At these temperatures, the human body would essentially vaporise, which is probably why they're so stringent on health and safety in these places. No mess, no fuss (apart from the fuss of dragging a dead weight into a factory or up the side of an active volcano), the only trace would be slightly elevated levels of phosphorous in the finished steel products.

Unfortunately, this will make your steel more brittle (but slightly harder, if that's what you're going for). On the plus side, you now know that you can use bodies to control the phosphorous levels in your steel. So there's that.

Let's be honest, this all sounds like a bit of a faff. 

The best way to deal with a body is just not to kill anyone in the first place. Just stay in and watch Netflix or something.


Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.