1. Open The Presents VERY Carefully
This is an artform that few have fully mastered, but those who have are the greatest of them all. It is very challenging to open your presents in such a manner that you can see what's inside, but leave no trace of forced entry. It really depends on the close scrutiny of the person who wrapped your presents - some are so pristine and eloquent that they cannot be touched until the day. However, the majority with little interest in taking pride in the art of wrapping, it is possible to exploit a little flap of material that his been left, a piece of loose tape, a ripped corner or two. The major aim of this means is to ensure that there is no noticeable damage on the present, and that is achieved by very careful means. The slice of a scoring knife should open a thin opening in the packaging which you can see without too much issue. Of course, ensure that the knife doesn't go too deep, otherwise your lovely present will have some scarring that it doesn't merit. As long as your parents do not climb downstairs on Christmas Day to find shards of ripped wrapping paper strewn across the room, with you and your pocket knife sitting in the middle of the carnage, then you are probably going to be okay as far as this method goes. So here are some tips to help anybody find out what presents they are getting this year. However, I have always found the fun in actually finding out on the day. Even if you feast your eyes on the most amazing present after sneaking into your parents shopping, you still won't get your hands on it until the day. Therefore you went through all the effort, planning, mistakes, expense and time in order to get your hands on something which is basically yours. Perhaps the thrill of the chase is too much of a Christmas treat for some people, but make sure you are careful. Santa keeps a big lump of coal for Peeping Toms in his sack - at least it would be pretty easy to guess your presents that year.