In March 1997 Los Angeles magazine released a fashion feature titled Grand Illusions, in which famous movie stills were Photoshopped to change the actors outfits. Dustin Hoffman was featured wearing a Richard Tyler dress and Ralph Lauren high heels, something which he didnt take too kindly too. The strange thing about this case is the fact that the original still they used of him was taken from the film, Tootsie, a film in which he predominantly appears in womens clothing. Maybe Dustin had changed his views on cross-dressing, or perhaps he just thought the Richard Tyler dress made his bum look big. Either way, Hoffman won the case and the magazine was ordered to pay $1.5 million in damages.
Created in a petri dish in an underground lab, I was originally designed by scientists to carry out high-profile assassinations for the CIA. Unfortunately, something went wrong and my only skill was writing list-based articles. So now I do that instead.