10 Weirdest Celebrity Lawsuits

8. Allen Heckard VS. Michael Jordan

Imagine you€™re at home one day watching basketball and a promising new athlete appears on your screen by the name of Michael Jordan. You€™re overcome by an overwhelming feeling that he looks like someone you know. Who on earth is it? You look in the mirror. Holy cr@p, it€™s you! You might as well be twins! Michael Jordan goes onto make millions and become a worldwide sporting sensation. What are you going to do? Sue him, that€™s what! That€™s what happened in 2006 when Portland resident, Allen Heckard, claimed that an uncanny resemblance to the basketball legend had caused him emotional pain and suffering, defamation and personal injury (presumably he tried to perform an overly ambitious halfway-line slam dunk and found the similarity ended at visual appearance). The case was filed for a whopping $832 million but was thrown out on account of it being patently ridiculous.

Created in a petri dish in an underground lab, I was originally designed by scientists to carry out high-profile assassinations for the CIA. Unfortunately, something went wrong and my only skill was writing list-based articles. So now I do that instead.