10 Weirdest Cold War Stories You Probably Haven't Heard

2. The Dyatlov Pass Incident

men who stare at goats george clooney
Дмитрий Никишин / Public domain

In 1959, ten friends set out on an expedition to gain their final hiking qualification not knowing that not only would nine not return, but it would become a mystery that would remain unsolved. Many theories exist, ranging from the logical to the plainly ridiculous. However, the truth may never be known.

Igor Dyatlov and his nine companions set out to cross what would become known as the 'Dyatlov Pass' at the end of January, which at the time was regarded as an extremely hard route but they were all very experienced. Shortly after setting off, Yuri Yudin was taken ill and had to leave the group but the remaining members continued on. On 20 February, after receiving no message that they had arrived, a search party was sent to find them. What they found has never been definitively explained.

When the camp was found, it had been utterly devastated. Tents had been ripped open from the inside, and personal effects were scattered around. When rescuers searched further, they found the bodies of the nine hikers, and most had physical injuries. The evidence showed that they had left the camp on foot and were not dressed appropriately for the weather, most in just their underwear. Following the autopsies, the official cause of death was hypothermia and physical trauma.

Over the years there have been several investigations, with many theories postulated ranging from arctic winds and secret military tests to the Siberian Yeti and UFO involvement.

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Middle aged (Not that you'd know it!) northern redneck. Days spent in the woods, drinking beer and chilling with the guys. Seriously passionate about wrestling, movies and good tunes.