10 Weirdest Cold War Stories You Probably Haven't Heard

1. Extra Terrestrial Exit Clause

men who stare at goats george clooney
20th Century Fox

And finally, this is the blue ribbon winner. Back in 1985, Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev held unsuccessful peace talks, but something truly remarkable came out of it. What you are about to read was revealed by Gorbachev in an interview in 2009.

During a walk in the garden at the summit, the two leaders discussed a subject that probably had never been mentioned at an official meeting between world leaders. Reagan, a self-admitted sci-fi fan (hell, he even named a missile defence system after Star Wars!) was troubled about the prospect of alien invasion. When he brought this up to Gorbachev, he wanted to know if the Russians would help them. Or would they choose this time to strike? Let’s face it their defences would be down.

Strangely, they both agreed that in the event of Mars Attacks! actually happening, they would both assist each other. Funny to think that following the failure of these peace talks, humanity’s best hope was for the Klingons to invade!

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Middle aged (Not that you'd know it!) northern redneck. Days spent in the woods, drinking beer and chilling with the guys. Seriously passionate about wrestling, movies and good tunes.