10 WWE Stars We Need To See On The Joe Rogan Experience

2. Roman Reigns

Reigns Rogan

For someone whose early solo career was plagued with accusations that things have been too easy for him, and that he hadn’t paid his proper dues to be in the lofty position he was in, Roman Reigns has sure had a hard time of things in life.

Much like John Cena in a lot of ways, there are signs that Reigns is now reaching that stage where previously critical fans are beginning to recognise the value of his professionalism and ability to keep pushing against a wall of hate that, in the vast majority of cases, wasn’t anywhere approaching his fault. A Rogan reaction to some of the videos of classic Reigns heckling would also be something to behold.

Of course, Reigns’ inspirational comeback story following multiple bouts of leukaemia is the real conversation to be had. How Reigns has maintained the mental fortitude to keep bouncing back and the motivation to keep himself in peak physical condition is almost superhuman, and something JRE fans not familiar with the Tribal Chief could really get drawn into.


Writer on international relations, political philosophy, and drunken cowboys in video games. Contributor at WhatCulture.