2. You Cannot Learn About Anything Non-American On TV

Paramount PicturesI just witnessed something that contradicts number two on my list. That's the World Cup and Americans loved it and I don't know what happened. Suddenly, it was everywhere, in bars, restaurants, homes, people talking about it at work, on the street. When did this happen? Soccer has never been big here so I don't know what changed but for once it was so refreshing to see something not about America. Usually I see basketball, baseball and American football (which, just make a fool of item number nine is known here merely as Football). They call their baseball equivalent of the World Cup the World Series. World Series... Know how many countries compete in the "World" series? If you said one then you're wrong. It's two - USA and Canada, although sometimes Canada doesn't bother so yes, you were right really - it's basically one. If you watch the news on any channel there's nothing about Africa, Mozambique, Mogadishu. It's usually about some reality TV queen's bum and how it's grown. There's no foreign culture or sports shown, no information about peace or lack thereof in Northern Ireland despite the fondness of St Patrick's Day. It's insanely secluded here and you cannot learn anything from watching the news on TV. The only time a foreign country is mentioned is when it's related to terrorism but it's never stated the real reason why the US is involved (hint - it rhymes with Susan Boyle).