11 Differences You'll Find As A Brit Living In The USA

1. Walmart Destroys Towns And Sells Beer And Guns

Warner Bros.Warner Bros.Walmart. What can I say. It's a supermarket so vast that the only way to achieve anything close in the UK would be to build four Asdas next to each other, and when you've done that add a Do It All, a Boots and a car shop. A Dixons bolted on the side wouldn't hurt. And just then when you think it's the same as a Walmart keep in mind that there's super-sized Walmarts too, astutely named 'Super Walmart'. Walmarts pop up everywhere. I live in the middle of absolutely nowhere - horse and buggy transportation is preferred over four wheels, and yet there's three Walmarts within twenty miles. They even have horse parking spots assigned - I'm not kidding. And the thing is once a Walmart is built near a town the local shops in that town are doomed. You can't fight the Walmonster and everything you sell will be available in Walmart for half the price. It's doesn't matter how obscure your wares are, Walmart will stock it, made fresh from little Chinese children's sweaty little hands. You can't but help going to Walmart - from beer to clothing, food, car parts, camping, toys, plants, books, electronics, subway, McDonalds, a pharmacy, opticians, hunting gear and so much more. I'm not talking an isle dedicated to a couple of fishing rods, we're talking mini-stores within the store. Until you experience Walmart you will not understand, and if you live in a town where a Walmart is due to be erected (and my American friends you probably do) then say goodbye to your local eatery, gift shop, corner store and more. Now I already touched on the gun angle in item four, but it's so strange to be walking down the isles as you would in Tesco or Asda and suddenly come to a whole section dedicated to killing machines all on display as if they were flat screen TVs. With guns for moms, pistols for teenagers, big old shotguns for rugged dads who want home protection and even pink guns with a portion of the proceeds going to breast cancer awareness. Despite being here for two decades I'm still not used to it... It's so foreign.
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A Welsh semi-retired television producer and actor known for low end work that astonishingly people actually watched and even garnered some awards. Originally residing in the electrically-challenged Amish areas of Pennsylvania he has written a few books (Hollywood Pants and Hollywood Horrible Hints and Terribly Fake Tips vols 1 & 2) which you can buy on amazon and all great book stores. After a brief stint in Australia he now finds himself back in the Welsh valleys of his home country noting that it hasn't changed a bit!