11 Genius Kickstarter Projects That You Should Get Behind

2. Dishonourable Mentions

Kickstarter is undoubtedly a force for good in the world and a great way to get new startups and inventions off the ground. However, it does open itself up to abuse from the more cracked self-styled entrepreneurs who think that what the world really needs is their patented All-Pug Production of Hamlet (which, incidentally, did get funded, proving once and for all that we need a new plague). Anyway, here are just a couple of currently live projects that need to stop.

Pooch Selfie: The Best Way to Capture Selfies with Your Dog!

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/poochselfie/pooch-selfie-the-best-way-to-capture-selfies-with Like, way to think outside the box, but if you€™re so concerned about taking the perfect selfie with your dog that you€™re willing to shell out a minimum of $13 to do it, then you probably need to re-evaluate your life. Want to achieve exactly the same effect for a fraction of the cost? Hold a doggy treat in the same hand as you phone. Actually, don€™t. Just stop sending people pictures of your dog. No one cares.

BRO Ball: The World's First Bluetooth Speaker in a Football

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/broball/bro-ball-the-worlds-first-bluetooth-speaker-in-a-f?ref=discovery €œHEY BRO. Wanna listen to some sweet beats?€ €œNAH BRO. What I really want is to hear two seconds of my fave jam as it whistles past my face€ €œTHAT€™S COOL BRAH. Wanna go drink light beer and harass women?€ €œYEAH BRAH. AWESOME.€ *high five* I€™ll level with you, my main issue with this product is the name. The idea of a rugged, waterproof bluetooth speaker does actually have appeal, but why you would choose to exclusively market it to dullard jocks who spend most of their summer trashing their dad€™s beach house with the rest of their frat is beyond me.

Tinker Tie Beta - Programmable RGB LED Bow Tie!

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/atomcomputer/tinker-tie-beta-programmable-rgb-led-bow-tie?ref=discovery No. Stop. If I wanted everyone to know that I hold the conventions of "dressing formally" and "not being a douchebag" in the utmost contempt then I'd grow a neckbeard and wear an obscure anime t-shirt under my tux. If I wanted to pay $50 for the privilege of buying a novelty product that I have to assemble myself with a soldering iron, then I'd use that $50 to pay someone to repeatedly punch me in the face instead. Anyway, we don't want to end on a negative note, so check out the next entry for our top Kickstarter pick.
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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.