11 Genius Kickstarter Projects That You Should Get Behind

10. LoopyCase - The Undroppable Phone Case

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/loopycases/loopy-the-worlds-first-case-to-stop-the-droptm?ref=discovery Er...why haven€™t we thought of this before? The LoopyCase is such a staggeringly simple idea that it makes you want to kick yourself and all other phone case manufacturers for not getting there sooner. Just a little silicone loop on the back of your phone case could solve all of your phone-drop worries. Never again will you have to suffer in indignity of the face-drop, never again will you have to stash your phone in rice because you dropped it in the lav (which doesn€™t work, by the way), never again will you have to pay a smug Apple Store €œgenius€ (vom) to replace your screen Since we discovered that we could watch videos on our phones (you know the ones I€™m talking about) the screens have gradually gotten bigger and bigger. This means that operating them is no longer a one-handed affair and just keeping hold of the damn thing is like trying to wrestle an eel. Not only will it secure your phone to your hand when you€™re using it, but you can flip it round and wear it like an absurdly oversized ring when you need your hands for something else. At the moment, this is only available for the iPhone (ain€™t that always the way?), but hopefully it will gain enough traction for someone to make it for others. You can check out the Kickstarter page here.
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