11 Genius Kickstarter Projects That You Should Get Behind

9. Element Cube - The World In The Palm Of Your Hand

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1536286486/the-element-cube-62-elements-1-cube?ref=discovery This one isn€™t exactly useful unless you need a paper weight (and, really, does anyone actually need a paper weight?), but it is damn cool. The Element Cube is basically just a cube of alloy. Not just any alloy, however, as this cube is made up of every collectible element on the periodic table, from aluminium to zirconium, containing 62 elements in total. This is the perfect gift for the science nerd in your life (especially if that science nerd happens to be yourself), as it allows you to hold over half the elements that make up the universe in the palm of your hand. The product is available either as a 2€ cube of desk candy, or as an item of jewellry so you can where your Element Cube wherever you go. Rather excitingly, if you have found yourself blessed with more money than sense, the one backer that donates £1,000 to the project will have this super alloy named after them. Just, please, if you think you might be that person, make sure you have a cool name. The other people who have backed the Element Cube don€™t want to have to tell everyone that their super-cool conversation piece is actually called €œDerekonium€. You can check out the Kickstarter page here.
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