11 Genius Kickstarter Projects That You Should Get Behind

7. Howz - Keep The People You Love Safe

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/howz/howz-always-knowing-elderly-relatives-are-ok?ref=category Monitoring the energy consumption in your home isn€™t exactly a new idea, but using that data to ensure that everything is ticketyboo with your elderly relatives is a stroke of genius. Caring for the older members of your family is a bit of a balancing act. You don€™t want to intrude, or make them feel as though you€™re constantly €œchecking up€ on them, but at the same time, it can be a worry when a parent or grandparent lives alone. Howz monitors the electrical usage in a person€™s house and learns what is normal and what isn€™t. For example, if somebody neglects to make their morning cup of tea for a couple of days in a row or if the lights aren€™t being switched on at night, it might indicate that there€™s something wrong. The system allows your relatives to keep their independence for longer whilst safe in the knowledge that, if something does go wrong, someone will notice. You can check out the Kickstarter page here.
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