11 Genius Kickstarter Projects That You Should Get Behind

8. Tidy Snap - Never Fold Clothes Again

https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/781222951/tidy-snap-never-fold-clothes-again?ref=discovery Nobody enjoys doing their laundry. Nobody. Even if you think you do, you€™re probably just suffering from some kind of Stockholm Syndrome. Even worse than doing your own laundry is doing someone else€™s, even if they are your darling offspring, and the absolute worst bit of the whole pointless endeavour is folding and putting away. What a waste of a life. The Tidy Snap system combines the €œSheldon Cooper€ shirt folder (I hate myself for calling it that as much as you do) and those slap bands that are so popular with kids. It quickly bundles your clothes into tidy rolls that stack neatly in your drawers. What€™s more, it€™s simple enough that you can get your kids or significant other to do it so you can get on with more important things like drinking wine. Even if you don€™t have kids, this is the kind of device that would ease that bumpy old transition into €œreal adulthood€ because, unfortunately, it€™s apparently unacceptable for proper grown ups to use words like €œfloordrobe€. You have to put your clothes away like a damn adult. The project doesn€™t look like it€™s going to hit its target this time, which is a shame because, in lieu of the domestic robots that we were all promised, anything that makes the whole pantomime of laundry that bit easier is a Good Thing in my book. You can check out the Kickstarter page here.
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