11 Hacks To Make Your Universal Orlando Holiday Amazing

4. Don't Keep Things In Your Pocket

Universal Orlando Rip Ride Rockit

It can be really tempting to not want to take a bag with you and just keep everything in your pockets, but if you are planning on riding the rollercoasters then you might want to think again.

When you go on any of Universal's thrill attractions including Hollywood Rip Rocket, The Incredible Hulk and The Revenge of the Mummy you can't take anything on the ride with you. That means no phones, sunglasses or even coins. There are even metal detectors to make sure you don't bring anything with you.

By keeping all your belongings in a bag you can just drop your bag at one of the free lockers available at each attraction without scrambling through pockets.

It might not seem like a big deal, but when you're desperate to get on The Hulk, wasting time on emptying all your pockets can be quite frustrating.


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