11 Questions That All Twenty Something Girls Are Tired Of Hearing

1. "What If You Think Differently At 30?"

You're pretty sure that this will be inevitable because your twenty year old self definitely thinks differently to your ten year old self... The only difference is that when you're thirty, you hopefully won't regret the choices that you made in your twenties and if you do, you still have time to go out there and get whatever it is that you want. Since when was being thirty old? If you don't want kids in your twenties, why can't you have them in your thirties or forties? Why is there an age limit on when you can start a family? Granted, the older you get, the harder it will be to conceive but if you do change your mind when you get older, it doesn't mean that your younger self has robbed your older self of something. Your younger self has just delayed the process and if anything, you're more prepared for it now. The world is changing and some things are acceptable now that wouldn't have been a few years ago. Gay marriage is now legal, although it should drop the 'gay' before the 'marriage' - it's not like we say 'straight marriage.' Women can have a career, a family and the body clock is starting to tick a lot later than it used to. If your family bombard you with any other questions every time that you see them, post them in the thread below. You're not alone. To read more of our Offbeat content, CLICK HERE.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com