11 Seriously Bizarre Conspiracy Theories

5. The Queen Is A Cannibal


The fabulously named Hubert Humdinger thinks he might have a sound explanation for Queen Elizabeth II's bubbly personality. Why, she eats people of course.

In an article in 1973, Humdinger claims that “She must eat human flesh to be so vivacious. There is an immense amount of spiritual energy in human muscle.”

Yup. Spiritual energy.

Further credence is supposed to have been given to this theory when a workman was investigating a wiring problem at Windsor Castle and he discovered strips of flayed human flesh just lying around the place (the Royals also apparently have a very lax attitude to food safety).

This is also the supposed explanation behind the disappearance of 10 Mohawk children that went on a picnic with Queen Liz and Prince Phillip (presumably discovering too late that they were the picnic). Although some suggest that the children were actually just sacrificial offerings in a satanic ritual conducted by the Queen, rather than dinner (phew).

This is often used as evidence that the Queen is indeed a space-reptile as we discussed earlier - although if she was, then eating humans would not make her a cannibal, you can't have it both ways.

This is usually the point where we would discuss exactly why this particular conspiracy theory is a load of dingos kidneys, but in this case that probably (hopefully ) isn't necessary.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.