11 Stages Of A Night Out In Bedford

2. Never Quite Recovering From Time Out Closing Down

Once upon a time, in the ye olde days of Bedord, there was a nightclub called Time Out. Time Out was a place of joy, of five pound f*ck-ups which got you trashed and turned your vomit blue, of dancing until three in the morning on a Thursday night and then going into school hungover on a Friday. The old days in Time Out had a man playing a tin drum on a small stage along to the beats of 'Mr Brightside'. The old days in Time Out drew you and your friends together into a great unit who would dance like a tribe on the small dance floor. The old days in Time Out were a place to meet people of the opposite sex, and to finally find out what one night stands were really all about. Then one day, Time Out was closed down, only to reopen as a new nightclub called Hi Fi. You went to Hi Fi a few times, and convinced yourself it was still the same. Sure, the drumming man had been made redundant, and five pound f*ck up's were apparently illegal now, but you could still dance and try to have a good time. But it wasn't to be. One by one, the loyal fans of Time Out fell into new allegiances with other venues in Bedford, and the students of Bedford university took over, and one day you looked around the Hi Fi smoking area and realised you didn't see one single familiar face. You cried, went to Mario's one final time for a large battered sausage, and then made the mistake of getting into one of those white taxis right outside which cost about £20 to get you back to Brickhill on the meter. Never to return to Hi Fi again.
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I love Stephen King and music festivals; I eat my toast upside down; I daydream about getting married probably a bit too much; and I wish every day for a pet sausage dog puppy (who never materialises – sob).