1. The Comedy Closing Music For The End Of The Book
A jolly little tune, probably involving trombones, which will play when you get to the end of the text. This is used to be when you realize that you have got to the final paragraph of a 400 + page book and it does not have a proper ending. This is so that the author can turn it into a trilogy or an even longer series. So the music can act as an ironic counterpoint to the fact that you have just brought something that the author could not be bothered to wind up properly for the sake of preserving the sequel potential. Assuming that it will sell well enough for the publishers to want to finish it. Im sure that other people will be able to think of other suggestions. Admittedly, better writing might eliminate the need for an e-reader to have the above features. However, as the amount of people who might self-publish their own epic without properly editing or rewriting is set to increaseLets say that any e-reader should be equipped with defensive measures.