11 Weirdest Beauty Contests Throughout The World

Because even camels deserve to feel special.

Bulldogs, Barbies, and busty camels. What do all of these things have in common? Surely, one is not like the other. You'd be half right; they all have their own beauty pageants and contests all over the globe.These are only a small category of the beauty contests that exist throughout the world. The rate at which shows about beauty contests and pageants is growing is astounding. Beauty contests might bring to mind cringe-worthy speeches from the questions aspect of pageants, or the tantrums and drama going on behind the scenes. Of course, you should never judge a book by its cover right? Right. You're gonna wanna take a peek into the more... eccentric beauty pageants out there.It's a world of fashion, dresses, make up, and drama, drama, drama. However, it's not limited to just females. There are scores of various beauty pageants for people of all ages, shapes, and occupations, to name a few. For every beauty pageant you think you have heard of, there are a dozen more bizarre beauty contests out there. Barbies, bulldogs, and busty prison inmates only take up a small percentage of the wackiest beauty contests across the globe. And here you simply thought that beauty pageants were only for young women and screaming toddlers! Think again. Depending on your viewpoint, it's either far more fantastic, or far, far worse than you imagined.
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