12 Astonishing Time Facts To Mess With Your Head

1. Google Doodle's Pacman Ruined Humanity

In May 2010, Google decided to celebrate the 30th birthday of Pac-Man by releasing a playable version of the classic video game in the form of a Google Doodle, and whilst we all loved it, the consequences were hilarious. When all of the game time clocked up had been accounted for by Google, it was revealed that humankind had spent approximately 4.8 billion hours, or 548 years playing the thing. Companies worldwide apparently suffered a drop in productivity at this time, which supposedly accounted for $120,000,000 of lost business across the globe. If ever there was a stat to prove we're a species of hopeless procrastinators, then surely this is it. What fact about time boggles your mind? Let us know in the comments section below.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.