12 Astonishing Time Facts To Mess With Your Head

3. OMG Is Nearly 100

Everybody's least favourite staple of internet speak, OMG, seems to typify the air-headed and utterly irritating teenager who has only recently discovered how to use a keyboard. So it's forgivable to think that this hideous beast was spawned in the nineties at the very earliest, but you'd be wrong. The first recorded instance of OMG came in a letter to, of all people, Winston Churchill in 1917. The author, Lord Fisher, declared the birth of OMG in an act of surprise and admiration at the thought of a knighthood awaiting Churchill for his actions in keeping the Germans at bay. So there you have it, teenage girls have been around for almost a century, disguised as friends of the Prime Minister.

2. Oxford University Is Older Than The Aztecs

If someone were to ask you to think of ancient Central/South Americans, the chances are that you're probably going to think that that's a strange request, but then imagine the Aztec people with their oddly shaped pyramids and chocolate. But thanks to our blinkered way of labelling every ancient Latin American society as being Aztec, we're being hilariously inaccurate here. The Aztecs were formed in 1325, which when put in British historical context, is not that long ago. For example, Oxford University, one of the most British things in Britain, was formed in 1249, 76 years before the Aztecs started building things with really long, consonant-full names.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.