12 Crazy Reasons Why Your Ancestors Were Accused Of Witchcraft

9. You Had No Or Few Children

If you were married and you and didn't have many children, or no children at all, then you might have been accused of being a witch. This is because your neighbours would have assumed that you were dedicated your own lives to the devil, as having children sort of takes up a majority of your time and if you're not having sex with your spouse, then you're having sex with Satan. Whilst you may have just had difficulty in conceiving, your neighbours wouldn't accept any medical excuse. They would believed that your womb has been cursed by the devil and that you may be tempted to steal someone else's baby to raise to worship the Occult. If anything happened to the children of your neighbours - who had an abundance of children - they would have assumed that you had placed a curse on them out of jealousy. Similarly, if you had too many children then you were also a witch who asked Satan for help in conceiving and you would be raising your children to be evil.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com