12 Greatest Ways Anyone Ever Accepted An Award

9. Daniel Day Lewis Lampoons Clint Eastwood's Empty Chair

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vo2EeipXCo "I have to say, when I saw him talking to a chair in front of a room full of strangers, I thought, 'I've got to try that." While accepting the Stanley Kubrick Award for Excellence in Film at the 2012 BAFTA Britannica awards, Day-Lewis took the opportunity to perform a comedy bit based on the now infamous speech Clint Eastwood gave at the Republican convention where he interrogated an empty chair as if it held President Obama. For a man who is a known character actor and takes such a serious outlook on his craft, it was a delight to see Daniel Day-Lewis relax for a change and show off his sharp and very dry sense of humor to the delighted laughter of the audience.

10. Christopher Lee - The Old Master

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3B3DbvttI4 "wise and generous members of the committee." After an incredible introductory showreel the 2011 BAFTA Academy Fellowship was awarded to Sir Christopher Lee, one of the most prolific and greatest British actors in history. The frail but towering figure made his way to the podium and received the love and adulation of an entire country. Visibly moved, Lee waited for the standing ovation and applause to end before moving towards the microphones. After a few seconds the murmuring hush was broken by his unforgettable, booming voice. It is rare to see such legends on stage and much more of a treat to hear them speak as themselves rather than in the voice of one of their characters. He was modest, droll and emotional as he delivered his thanks and it was nothing short of remarkable to see the world's greatest actors hanging on every word of the near-90 year old man on stage in front of them.

I have one golden rule: There is no such thing as a guilty pleasure. Any song or film that makes you feel good doesn't need justifying.