12 Mind Blowing Facts About Vampires

2. It Wasn't Just Anubis You Had To Keep Sweet In Ancient Egypt...

Anubis was the guardian of the Underworld and he was responsible for embalming bodies to prepare them for the afterlife. Part of the ritual or process of embalming was the 'weighting of the heart' which determined where you went in the afterlife. Not that Anubis could choose this for you, but he was a pretty big deal, so he could have at least put in a good word for you. But alongside the gods, were the vampires... According to the Book of the Dead, if one of the parts of the soul (there are five apparently) does not receive an offering, then it will escape the tomb in order to find nourishment. Naturally, blood falls under the umbrella term of nourishment and it was believed that the soul would be able to sustain itself on another living thing's life force. There were also gods and goddesses that were supposed to drink blood, maybe not for the thrills, but because it provided them with essential nourishment that you just can't get from water. Everyone is looking at you Sekhmet.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com