12 Problems Only Night Shift Workers Will Understand

3. Food Shopping At 5am

marina shopping supermarket gif You've got to get some milk and bread in or everyone is going to think your home is abandoned; I mean just look at your empty fridge and cupboards is there any sign of civilisation here at all? Luckily, there's the 24 hour supermarkets you push your squeaky trolley around being able to browse in your own time alongside just a handful of other night warriors.

2. Caffeine Is Your Best Friend

Ricci Tired Sleepy gif

Oh happy days, oh happy days, coffee is on it€™s way - you survive solely on a diet of anything that gives you energy and you grab at it like a hungry child. It€™s what keeps the cogs oiled and the mind focused because without it you would turn into a complete walking zombie.

1. Being Constantly Frustrated That Your Boss Is Tucked Up In Bed

angry gif

Your team is lead by supervisors because heaven forbid your boss pulls a proper nightshift once in awhile. It€™s all go-go-go for you between the hours of 8pm and 8am and you tend to not get too distracted by thoughts of your boss sleeping soundly on their duck-down pillows.

Okay, it€™s time to admit it€™s not all that bad - who wants to be stuck at work with the boss lurking over them anyway, right?

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