12 Sneakiest Ways Your Kids Are Outsmarting You

11. They'll spend a half-hour clinging to a radiator to try and convince you they've got a temperature

This one we're sure you can sense from a mile off. Just that inescapable feeling that all is not what it seems, and the child is veering into drama-queen territory, all in the pursuit of an extra day off or the wavering of participation in that test they've been dreading for months (and you've been stuck helping with for many an evening). For many generations-past children have been locking their foreheads in a variety of equipment for the sake of raising a temperature or maintaining a fever. For each child it's always a different location too, as there's always that specific place that they'll go which is unique to their room. That place where the end of the radiator meets the underside of a bookshelf, creating a hot-pocket of condensed heat? They'll be getting up half an hour early each morning just to jab their head in there and hope for the best. Chances are those sweats they're developing when you take their temperature are forming not from an actual fever, but from the bomb-defusing level of tension that's built up from them wondering if they're going to get away with it or not.
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