12 Things Brits Hate About Americans

3. My Therapist Says...

Why does every American have a therapist? Well, all Americans on TV shows do anyway and that's reality, right? But if we're being logical about this, living in a country where you're told to have a nice day even when you're having the worst day of your life is probably enough for you to at least consider finding someone to open your heart to.

2. Claiming Everything Originated in America

Hot dogs? Nope. Baseball? No. Television? No, not that either. Despite the stories we have been told time and time again, America did not in fact invent any of these things or many others which we have been led to believe. Although, the Americans did invent bubble wrap, so at least we have that to be thankful for.

1. Dates

Just when you thought the Americans couldn't make anything more confusing than they already do, they switch around the days and months when writing the date. Erm, is that the 5th March or 3rd May? It certainly makes booking flights that little bit more difficult. What else do you hate about Americans? Share your own thoughts below.

Currently studying German with Dutch, big passion for music, movies and coffee.