12 Things You Discover When You Go Bald

3. You'll Accidentally Grow Facial Hair

Similar to how you will develop an affinity for hats and thick-rimmed spectacles, the bald population will have a tendency to grow interesting facial hair. Whilst the example of Mr. Jackson Galaxy, cat behaviour consultant, is definitely an extreme one, most of us will find ourselves sporting a goatee, a full beard or sideburns that lead nowhere. The curious thing about this is that we won't necessarily be doing it consciously. Many will tell you that we are merely compensating for the lack of coverage on the top of our head, and whilst that may sometimes be true, you'll be hard pressed to ever defend your innocence at this accusation. But frankly, we need more padding for the colder months, so we might as well utilise what we have.

2. Heads Shaved For Style Sicken You

Something that will tend to creep up on you is the anger you'll begin to feel towards anyone who freely shaves large parts of their hair as a fashion statement. The reason for this is probably a deep-seated resentment towards those who have a great deal of hair at their disposal, and have the liberty to shave it all they want, knowing that it'll grow back with a vengeance. It's highly irrational, and no matter how comfortable you may be with your naked bonce, I guarantee it'll irk you at some point. It's almost as if you wish that the hair they are freely sacrificing has been wasted on them, where it would be treated as a loved one, had it been planted in your scalp.

1. You Have Your Own Subculture

Finally, the thing which will probably trip you up more than most is the fact that everyone else will automatically place you in your own little bald subculture. You won't realise that you ever fitted into such a group, as really, other than the points already made here, it's not one with a defined culture and history. But you'll begin to notice that your friends and even total strangers will treat you differently, all because you're head is distinctively more disco ball-like than their own. You're almost forced into a play group you never had any intention of being in, let alone identifying with, as you always feared that some day it might be you who goes bald, and not your friends. But then again, we still have our secret meetings where we discuss free-masonry and tax rises, so we've got that going for us. Is there anything else you've experienced as a bald chap? Anything you fear for the future of your locks? Let us know in the comments section below.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.