12 Things That Make Book Readers Feel Very Smug

6. Having Your Very Own Personal €˜Don€™t Disturb Sign€™

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When the book's all up in your face then don€™t come our way. You may be present in body but in mind you€™re away climbing the Tasmanian Wilderness with Martin David from The Hunter or out in the galaxy with Arthur Dent. Why would you want to be anywhere else?

5. Pitying Anyone Who Remarks €˜You Read Too Much€™ For Their Low Intelligence

Reading reduces stress, increases mental stimulation, expands your worldly knowledge, improves focus and concentration but also is a very cheap form of entertainment. So how can you have too much of all that?

4. The 'Top 50 Books You Must Read In Your Lifetime' Is Actually Your Own €˜Books I€™ve Read And Thoroughly Enjoyed€™ List

Nineteen Eighty-Four, The Waste Land, The Catcher in the Rye these weren€™t just college assignments for you they are up there on your most-enjoyable reads of all time. You would make your own list of €™50 Best Books€™ but nobody could relate to it as it will be full of titles so obscure they just need not bother.

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