12 Unnecessarily Nightmarish Creatures That Scuttled Straight Out Of Hell

9. The "Arachnophobes' Ruin" Goliath Bird Eating Spider

Goliath Bird Eating Spider

Hey, you know those great hairy spiders that crawl out of your plug hole and try to kill you when you're most vulnerable (probably)? This guy eats them for breakfast.

The Goliath Bird Eating Spider, with a cheery little leg span of 12 inches (that's a whole foot, folks) can weigh up to 180g (that's the same as a jar of Nutella) and will dine on anything from insects to lizards and, yes, the occasional bird.

Not only that but, get too close, and the damn thing will hiss at you like a pissed off cat. The hiss is so loud that it can be heard from up to 15 feet away and, if you don't get the message from that, this guy has another, horrible line of defence.

Anything that gets too close to the Goliath (god knows why you'd want to) will get a face full of barbed spines that it fires out from its legs. These are extremely irritating to the skin and very difficult to get out.

Despite this, the locals in northeastern South America actually eat them. Not only that, but they send their kids out to go hunting for them. They are prepared by singeing the hairs off of the body and then roasting in banana leaves, the flavour is described as "shrimp like".

We'll probably just skip straight to dessert.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.