Most Facebook users are in their late teens and early twenties, and a great deal of them are likely to be students, which naturally means that Facebook becomes a log for a permanent hangover. You definitely know the type; the person who harps on about the weekend on Wednesday, complains that it's not Friday on Thursday, then tells you just how drunk they're going to get on Friday when it finally arrives. We're then treated to a drunken babble on the Friday night, as the Jagermeister family takes another substantial boost. But then the world of Facebook is also treated to just how hungover the aforementioned pleb is on Saturday morning, right up until they're getting ready to go out again the same night - with some inane faux-philosophy about whatever breaks you makes you better - in a never-ending cycle of Keith Richards style debauchery. My theory is that in years to come, therapists working with alcoholics will have their job made fantastically easy, simply loading up the past statuses of their patients to find that moment of clarity and set them on their way to recovery.