Whenever I have the displeasure of witnessing the dreaded Facebook gymster, I am more drawn to recalling an episode of Pokemon, wherein our heroes visit a fighting dojo, full of fighting monsters, none of which seem capable of coherent thought. Let's get things straight: people can go to the gym, and that's totally fine and dandy, the key is that the rest of the world doesn't care. So when you see a status/picture of someone infinitely more physically fit than yourself declaring that they're going to the gym for the eleventh time that day, it becomes irksome. These magnificently structured creatures are incapable of expressing themselves other than stereotypical catchphrases which would feel right at home in an eighties sports movie. See: "no pain, no gain", or the current favourite, saying "BOOM!" when declaring their triumph at exercising their muscles. Is it jealousy? Probably. Regardless, unless these people are being put through a training regime for an army of super soldiers, there's no way that anyone cares just how many upside down Samoan sit ups you can do.