Another fascinating use for Facebook is that it provides a window into how the minds of the users work. Admittedly, the days where you'd find something genuinely clever and funny have diminished, replaced by everyday reports about work and the niceties of friends wishing each other a happy birthday, but there's also been a rise in extremely angry people using their statuses as thinly veiled threats. The likelihood is that such people are the sort to constantly gossip and spread rumours about others whilst at the workplace, but the moment they catch wind of someone doing exactly the same about them they take to their social media soap box. This all makes entertaining reading for everyone else, as you get to view just how much Sith-like hate someone can harbour for another without actually doing anything about it (how very British). But the thing which makes it all the more ridiculous is that you are fully aware that the people slating each other will be identical to one another, slinging hypocritical barbs by the barrelful.