13 People You Meet On Halloween

9. The Bedsheet Ghost

Forget about couples' costumes, forget about animal ears and underwear, and make room for the most generic Halloween costume out there: the classic bedsheet ghost.

There are two different breeds of this costume. If you're part of the older generation, the likelihood is that the person you're seeing under that mess of white cloth is someone who couldn't be bothered to get an actual costume. At least it's better than running to the nearest public toilet and wrapping themselves in two rolls of toilet paper, so they get credit for that.

However, the story is very different if the bedsheet ghost you're looking at is a small lump that is completely consumed by a mass of white cotton, clutching a plastic pumpkin full of sweets. If this is the type of bedsheet ghost you're identifying, then it's probably some poor kid whose mum wouldn't let him dress up as Spider-Man.


Survivor of the IB Diploma and university student. Lover of dry-humour, video game enthusiast and a complete couch potato.