13 People You're Guaranteed To Meet Working In A Call Centre

2. The Utterly Lost Post Graduate

Usually a newly anointed bachelor of the arts, they€™ll be doing the job as a stop gap, a stop gap to what though? They often have no idea. Sometimes it€™s just part time shifts while they do a post graduate degree, edging close to full on break down. Often, management will concentrate on how bright they are and try to push them up the call centre ladder, have fun as you watch them relentlessly try and not climb it, struggling to climb onto any other ladder instead. A new job is only round the corner, but call centre pay is decent and that overdraft won€™t clear itself. Maybe they quit to do a post-graduate course in teaching and return in the summer holidays, because you know, that overdraft won€™t clear itself.
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Stand-up comedian, writer, sarcastic scoundrel and a bit of a scallywag. Lover of many geeky pursuits and owner of extensively eclectic tastes in music, film and literature.